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Crowds fill streets in pandemic-hit Wuhan to celebrate the New Year

Large crowds took to the streets at midnight on Friday in the central Chinese city of Wuhan, celebrating the arrival of 2021 after a year marred by a deadly pandemic that killed thousands there and required the city to be locked down between the end of January and early April. As per tradition, hundreds gathered in front of the old Hankow Customs House building, one of the city's more popular New Year's Eve spots. When the building's old clock reached midnight many people released balloons into the air, cheered and called out "happy new year." "I'm so so so incredibly happy," said 20-year-old student and tourist Yang Wenxuan. "This is my first time in Wuhan. But it (the countdown) was so spectacular." "I hope that I can successfully obtain my bachelor degree and I hope I can find a boyfriend," Yang added.
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